First entry!

Thursday, January 9th 2025

Welcome to my site and blog! Lemme preface this by saying this entry might just be a tad bit hypocritical, as I am not perfect by any means, but no one truly is. If you wanna learn more about me, check the about page. Without further ado, let's get into it!

This website was created as I thought only using a social media account to post everything would be more hectic and less fun to do. Social media is something I am not against, far from it, but I am growing a bit tired of it. It's just dull, boring, and pretty lame. Sites like Twitter (I refuse to call it X) are also just cesspools of mind-numbing arguments and it hurts my head to go on. And it's a huge energy vampire of sorts, especially with the rise of short form content (which I am also not against). I often catch myself scrolling mindlessly on sites like YouTube and Instagram! I will still use social media, but I will attempt to use it less... maybe. Don't count on it. I just feel like I am completely wasting my time on these platforms and want to move away from it a lil bit is all.

All I'm really saying is that I think there is more freedom when it comes to making your own website as compared to using one of the five major social media sites that all look exactly the same. I did not get to experience the hayday of the internet as I wasn't even born yet, but I do remember sitting at the old family PC running Windows Vista as a four year old cretin watching Fred and Annoying Orange videos for hours on end. That probably stunted my growth the more I think about it.

There is something liberating about making your own website, and I wouldn't recommend it enough. Maybe one day we'll all go back to making our own websites... One can only dream.